how do u change spawn points

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how do u change spawn points

Post by snipe? » Sun Apr 23, 2006 12:33 pm

how do u change spawn points?

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Post by SleepingInsomniac » Sun Apr 23, 2006 12:52 pm

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Post by Disabler » Sun Apr 23, 2006 12:55 pm

ok you need HexEditor for this

1. Open HexEditor and open with it.

2. Type 0x881fd0 in the First text box and press enter
- The top line of the editor should now say "27 71 43 42 BD 83 B5 C2 0E 6C A2 41 CE 28 59 BF"

3. Ok, it works like this: x=byte, xxxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxxx the first set is X second is Y third is Z fourth is rotation
- Select the third part (all 4 bytes).
- In the two text boxes in the top left corner of the selection thing, it should say First: 0x881fd8 Size: 4

4. Look for the 3 checkboxes and make them checked like this: (x=checked)
[x] Swapped
[ ] Unsigned
[ ] Hex

5. It now says something like 0.3027 in the float text box. Add 20 to it so it looks like this: 20.30276107788086

6. Save. It will give you an error that it can't save but it actually did.

7. Open Halo and host a game on blood gulch

Go to blue team and restart. Quickly turn to where the green warthog should be. Watch it fly down! You increased the Z of it so it now spawns higher, and every time it respawns it flys down again!
This is CSS.
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Post by SleepingInsomniac » Sun Apr 23, 2006 1:08 pm

how about HexEdit?

what is the spawn location tags for vehicals?
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Post by Disabler » Sun Apr 23, 2006 1:21 pm

sleeping_insomniac19 wrote:how about HexEdit?
HexEdit doesn't have all that stuff on the bottom which makes you convert hex to floats and doubles by hand (or use another program). HexEdit is MUCH less buggy and other things.
sleeping_insomniac19 wrote:what is the spawn location tags for vehicals?
Ask 'A Bunny'
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A Bunny
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Post by A Bunny » Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:12 pm

Disabler wrote:
sleeping_insomniac19 wrote:what is the spawn location tags for vehicals?
Ask 'A Bunny'

There's about 10-16 more but I don't know how to get them to spawn things (was able to get vehicles to spawn next to portals using only ihev swaps but can't reproduce it).

00881FD0: Warthog (Blue)
00882048: Warthog (Red)

008820C0: Ghost (Blue)
008821B0: Ghost (Red)

00882390: Rocket Warthog (Blue)
00882660: Rocket Warthog (Red)

008828B8: Banshee (Blue)
00882840: Banshee (Red)

00882318: Tank (Blue)
008822A0: Tank (Red)

And I'll do one better...

X - 4E E2 E6 41
Y - BD 83 B5 C2
Z - 9F 03 9B 3E
R - CE 28 59 BF

This is the spawn point of Blue team's warthog, but like almost everything in the map file it's backwards so I'll explain it using the numbers reversed from the map.

X - 41 E6 E2 4E
Y - C2 B5 83 BD
Z - 3E 9B 03 9F
R - BF 59 28 CE

It's still seems hard to understand, but once you get used to it, it becomes pretty easy to get a rough estimate of the place you want to spawn to (X and Y at least...).

The co-ordinates are aranged so that blue base is the back of the map and an increase in Y will get you closer to red base. X is from the left to the right. Z is from the bottom of the level up.

Using the spawn locations I've given and judging them against each other you should be able to get a feeling of where things are. But first a few rules:

1.) Don't change X's first bit chunk. Making 42 -> 43 or 41 or any number besides 42 will make the object spawn outside the solid part of the map.

2.) Start with the second chunk. Changing this one will move your object fast but will still usually keep it on solid ground. After you get it in the area of where you want to be you can fine tune with the 3rd and 4th.

3.) Remember the map is slightly angled to the left. Because red base is over to the left of blue base you usually want the vehicles to move towards one or the other, unfortunately they still go straight (which looks like an angle in-game). So if you are moving a long distance on the Y axis remember to move to the left on the X axis as well.

4.) Not really a rule but a helpful reminder, on the Y axis, the points starting with C2 (from C2 00 00 00 to C2 FF FF FF) go from the wall behind blue base up to slightly past the red transporter base.

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Post by Disabler » Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:47 pm

if open the map up in hex editor then you can do this (as i've posted for the third time)

[x] Swapped (Just like you said, bunny, but every string but tags (paew=weap) aren't swapped (W.a.r.t.h.o.g=g.o.h.t.r.a.W))

[ ] Unsigned (As far as I know, nothing is unsigned in Halo. offtopic, I know what this means because I do C++... sorry couldn't help and no I'm not bragging)

[ ] Hex (this is optional because the bytes are in floats and hex editor doesn't change floats to hex)

you can get a number even easier to edit when you select the 4 bytes,
like 27 71 43 42 (swapped) becomes 48.86050033569336 in the float text box.

that's my point.
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A Bunny
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Post by A Bunny » Sun Apr 23, 2006 7:02 pm

But many people use HexEdit instead of Hex Editor.

Also I messed up in my previous post, X goes from right to left, not left to right.

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Post by SleepingInsomniac » Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:23 pm

hehe thanks a bunny

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Post by snipe? » Sat May 06, 2006 9:27 pm

I don't think u guys understand me, when I said spawn point, I meant where u start off when u enter/die.

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Post by sword » Sun May 07, 2006 9:08 am

You know, there are actually about 8 spawns on each side of the map, and 2 in the center.
The sword.


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Post by foxrun » Sun May 07, 2006 9:43 am

that would be funny spawning in teh middle of teh map

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Post by sword » Sun May 07, 2006 10:30 am

The sword.


Cherub Rock
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Post by Cherub Rock » Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:54 pm

if both teams spawned at the middle acorss form eachother, the battle would be sweet
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Post by Yummy » Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:32 pm

Isn't it true that in slayer, the probability that you spawn below the below the base is more likely, unlike in ctf where you mostly spawn on top of the base?

And, if that is true, i wonder where you could change it :: goes off into hexedit and does random things :

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