I also used another HUD for this mod, since it was epic

Author's notes/Readme:
Code: Select all
October 13, 2004
All portions of this map, short of the textures and the various models that appear, is an original creation by the author. The majority of the textures, and all the models, are owned and copyrighted by Bungie. The bases take obvious inspiration from bases found in the official Halo maps, but have been rearranged a bit to present some variety.
This map is free to distribute, do whatever you see fit with it.
Mudslide was an exploration in assymetry, to see if it could work in multiplayer. Limited testing shows it does do fairly well. The most enjoyable game varient that the testers found was snipers only, with or without permanent camo. I don't even like the sniper rifle and found it to be a lot of fun. The map has more than it's fair share of sneaky spots to shoot from. CTF presents some interesting challenges as well. All game types were tested and appear to be functioning.
The map has officially reached the "mona lisa" stage, in that every time I load the map I find new things to tweak or fix. It just never seems done, so rather than delay longer I figure I'll just release it as is.
Make it a game, see how many stretched UV's or seams you can spot. ;) The river is the biggest dissapointment, as is the white band that can be seen at the edge of the skybox as you look over the lake. I wrestled with both of those for weeks (literally), with limited improvements. What you see now is about the best it's ever going to get.
Maybe if HaloCE had some real documentation or dev Q&A structure the map would be perfect. Since it doesn't, you'll just have to live with "pretty darn good".
Seth "Xzzy" Graham

The original link (Halomaps):
And finally, the link:
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?cyiyqjgznnq - 8.69 MB
(And if you're wondering, it's in .sitx. Now get Stuffit suckahs!)
If you see any BSP holes, please tell me! I didn't find any holes when I was testing it.