Tag #10
Tag Name: b30_01, b30_02, b30_03, b30_04, b30_05, b30_06, b30_031, b30_032
Tag Type: lsnd
Tag's Author: Bungie, extracted by Sparky
Link to Tag: http://files.filefront.com/b30+music+ta ... einfo.html
Description: Music from the b30.map demo map.
Preview: Inside each music tag folder is an .mp3 preview I made in-game (you'll notice the "Capture the Flag" voice at the beginning of each sound preview).
Extra Info/comments: To use these music tags, import them (Demo Hack to full, import recursive on the lsnd tag in HHK -- no need to import meta -- ) and then go under dependancy swapper in HMT and click on the sbsp tag. It will take a long time to load this tag, but at the bottom should be a reference to the lsnd that you can swap with the newly-imported tag.
Bugs: Every time you respawn, the music restarts with you. This means if you restart the game constantly, it will sound really bad until each snd! dependancy finishes and the lsnd file loops again. Note that this is not a problem in converted CE maps that have their sounds internalized.
P.S. A note from Kayar. Thanks, Kayar!
Kayar wrote:^ Well, crapzorz. Yes I know I'm not supposed to post in here without posting a goddamn tag.
Sparks, now I'll never be able to release my Alternate Music Pack Volume 2.
In any case, I know how to fix your bug:
When making and testing the alternate music pack, The Drop, and Legacy, I found that going into the lsnd tag, finding "Ambience_bloodgulch" and swapping it with, say, "rr2," or any of the other snd! tags, gets you flawless music in bloodgulch.
Eschaton has a "stops music" flag, but that doesn't work to solve the problem - and if you mean swapping the snd! tags within each loop tag, I haven't gotten that to work flawlessly, either. Even switching out of the application and coming back restarts the lsnd.
Either you are groping for answers, or you are asking God and listening to Jesus.