by Newt » Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:30 am
This is the first time I've ever posted in this site. I guess as someone who's played a lot of HaloMD, I must guiltily admit that was drawn to it initially with some ridiculous self-centred, ego engulfing wish to be somewhere, anywhere, on someone's list. No good can come of thinking like that - but I would really like to comment this thread, as a way of express my gratitude to some players.
There are a lot of very skilled players who you find on the maps (I mostly play on Bigass and Blood Gulch). Some are amazing at a particular weapon or method, or style of play; others are great all rounders. But as to what constitute them being the "Best Players ever" - personally, I think that's a little harder to define by just kill counts, kdrs and the fear that their name instills when you see it pop up on joining a game.
For me, I think the reason why I like playing this game so much is a lot to do with the character of some of the players on here. Call me a wuss, but I like playing games the nice folks. Granted - it's hard to get a real idea of someone's character from short, in game chats - but I think you can tell from their gameplay too. Some regular players out there will play a team game - they might take on a defensive or supportive role, sitting at the back, missing much of the action; some will swap sides to even teams out. They usually don't brag nor call foul, and don't whine much either. And, for the most part, their kill count comes secondary to enjoying the game, and seeing everyone else enjoy it too. They don't see much point in just wracking up kills in an unfair game.
Now I love getting a high kill count and flatulently awesome kdr as much as the next player; but it's just a number. The best games I've played, or enjoyed the most - they didn't require either. And I don't mind getting killed much - I quite like a challeneg. But I've seen a lot of skilled players who are obsessed with their stats; they only seem to be on stacked teams, and won't join the game on weaker teams, or quit when it becomes too intense - they do this just to preserve their kill counts. Ironically they're the players who cry "noob" the most. And, good Lord, do they hate flaggers (that's a whole other kettle of worms..)
A kill is a kill is a kill. If you're a good player, and don't like the way someone killed you; whether it be in a falcon, sniper, rocket hog or mortar goose - perhaps you should adapt your game play. Better still - work with your team.
Really great players, at least for me, are team players. Good at comms, as much as getting kills. And more often than not - my favourite players are funny. You wouldn't mind playing against them either - yeah, it'd be a challenge, but a good one. When trying to define these players in a single sentence - I guess the best I can come up with is: I'd be happy to grab a pint with them. They're nice folks in real life, and nice in game too - and that for me is the largest constitute of who makes a short list of "Best Players ever."
With that being the case - he's a somewhat incomplete, non-sequential list of my favourite players I've encountered on HaloMd. I'd consider all of them worthy of "Best ever," and I'll normally jump on a game just on the basis of seeing their name pop up. It's a list way longer than 5 too, and I'm sure I've forgotten some other great players too. Sorry about that!
Jumbo - HaloMD legend, incredible defender & all rounder. Great flag runner. Just a nice guy to have on your team, or fight against.
A Lost Fool - amazing all rounder, good comms, likes a fair fight, gracious on the rare occasion he's killed. We've had some epic duels.
Mad Cossack - incredible comms, a real team leader, wouldn't want to let him down, but love to see him go Mad and save the day.
tricksquad - amazing sniper, and great at boxing in and frustrating strong players on the opposite team. Seems to always be on foot!
Coworkers - great all rounder, almost impossible to flag when he's defending. Uses vehicle guns in the smartest way I've seen.
atomical - Am I alone in punching the air when I've managed to kill this guy? server is named after him for a reason. Legendary.
love - Makes ever game he's on seem 10x more fun, even for beginners. Incredible player - heaps of praise.
stAr - When I first started playing HaloMD, I never thought I'd ever be able to kill stAr in a sniper duel. I still feel that way now.
CrlWeathers - I always seems to get killed by Crl, and have no idea where from. Knows the terrain, and is an amazing sniper.
Other equally amazing players, in my mind:
Blue Wombat
Big Kahuna
Nasty Nas
Mr Reaper
There's a few more greats I know I've forgotten now. Yes, I've written more for the players listed further up, but these names are just as venerable; I just see them on games less often maybe. Plus I'd be here all day writing up their skills, and this has already become an essay..
Finally - it's worth pointing out I started out fairly late in HaloMD, so I think I missed the likes of some older renowned names like NYC Phog (played him only once: was practically un-killable), so this list is vaguely recent, though some names I've mentioned I've not seen for a while. If you're reading this folks, I hope you're well.
Thanks to all the servers admins and players - those listed here and those not - for making HaloMD so much fun to play.
My finest regards,