First of all I want to thank 002 and Sparky for helping me out on this and everybody else on Mac Gaming Mods and the Discord.
1) Download the "MD Dedicated Server" app for OS X here ... 18567#wrap
- Extract the folder and keep it on your desktop. (Inside it should look like this)
- Read the Read Me.txt.
2) Double click the "install_maps" script to link your maps folder.
3) Open the "HaloMD Server". (You'll see this)
This is because you need to update the Wineskin wrapper.
4) Make sure you have X11 installed. If not go here
5) To fix this error, right click "HaloMD Server" and click Show Package Contents. (It should look like this)
6) Make sure you have Wineskin Winery installed. You can find it here ... =Downloads
7) Open the Wineskin in the "HaloMD Server" folder. (You will see this)
Click Advanced and then navigate to Tools.
9) Under Wrapper Tools click "Update Wrapper" twice.
-Once you updated the wrapper, look at the bottom to make sure it is at the right version.
Should say Wineskin 2.6.2
- You aren't done yet! You now need to install a new Wineskin engine.
10) Open the Wineskin Winery app you installed.
11) Click the + sign and choose WS8WINE1.1.10
12) Click "Download and Install"
13) You may quit out of the app now and head back over to the Wineskin Wrapper.
14) Click "Change Engine Used" and select WS8Wine1.1.10
15) You can now go back into the MD Server app folder and open the HaloMD Server app.
Now the console opens up but you get another error. This is because SAPP is trying to auto-update.
16) Click on the drive_c folder inside the HaloMD Server app.
17) Then go to the HaloMD_Server folder. (Inside will look like this)
18) Go into the sapp folder and open the init.txt
19) Add this line to the bottom. auto_update 0
- You should now have
Code: Select all
no_lead 1
afk_kick 220
map_load crossing
map_load barrier
auto_update 0
Your HaloMD Dedicated Server is running on your Mac Sierra
Video Tutorial:
Join the Discord server!
Common Problems
"Cannot allocate required memory. Some other application has loaded where Halo needs to be located."
- Update the Wineskin Wrapper and install WSWine1.1.10
"Sapp Unloaded"
- Make sure you added this line at the bottom of sapp's init.txt. auto_update 0
"Your CD Key is invalid"
- Make sure Sapp is loaded.
"Custom maps don't load."
- I can't really figure this one out either. Try viewtopic.php?f=40&t=18842&p=218758&hil ... pp#p218758
"My server won't show up in the HaloMD lobby."
- Direct IP into your server. Exit out and it should now be broadcasting to the lobby.
"Any other issue or concern. Please tell me in the replies and I'll try to figure it out"