[ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
Moderator: Halo Moderators
[ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
Was playing in the singularity halomd map voting server today. Caesar and a couple of other people were there as well. He muted a guy for 2 minutes just for swearing, but I think he probably did it just so people can notice he's admin.
After about 15 kills, Caesar asked if I was hacking. I didn't bother to respond because I get asked (accused sometimes) this question a lot. About a minute later, I noticed myself "lagging", but not in the usual way. No ping spikes, no warping, just me being unable to move and getting warped back to my original spot over and over again. I immediately recognized this was the "lag" command on sapp, so I called Caesar out on it. He responded with a ":)". Then I called him a pussy for using cheap tactics to make me leave, and he muted me.
I didn't take screenshots or a video so I don't have proof of this, and so I don't really care if anything is done about Caesar. I hardly play on that server anyways. I'm just throwing this out there for people to be aware of this admin command. If your internet is fine (ie: your ping isn't jumpy), and you're constantly getting warped back to the same spot, chances are an admin used the lag command on you. It's also for people to know that if he doesn't have a reason to kick or ban you, Caesar will discreetly try to make you leave with his "lag treatment" if a) you're much better than he is or b) he doesn't like you.
This guy will also mute you for short periods of time for the most insignificant reasons just because he can.
After about 15 kills, Caesar asked if I was hacking. I didn't bother to respond because I get asked (accused sometimes) this question a lot. About a minute later, I noticed myself "lagging", but not in the usual way. No ping spikes, no warping, just me being unable to move and getting warped back to my original spot over and over again. I immediately recognized this was the "lag" command on sapp, so I called Caesar out on it. He responded with a ":)". Then I called him a pussy for using cheap tactics to make me leave, and he muted me.
I didn't take screenshots or a video so I don't have proof of this, and so I don't really care if anything is done about Caesar. I hardly play on that server anyways. I'm just throwing this out there for people to be aware of this admin command. If your internet is fine (ie: your ping isn't jumpy), and you're constantly getting warped back to the same spot, chances are an admin used the lag command on you. It's also for people to know that if he doesn't have a reason to kick or ban you, Caesar will discreetly try to make you leave with his "lag treatment" if a) you're much better than he is or b) he doesn't like you.
This guy will also mute you for short periods of time for the most insignificant reasons just because he can.
Re: [ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
Offensive language, swearing, obnoxious spamming, etc is NOT an insignificant reason for muting/kicking/banning people from a server. Calling another player a 'pussy' or whatever does NOT HELP regardless of the circumstance. These are valid considerations for action to be taken regardless of anything else.
From what Caesar told me, you:
* joined under the name 'haxbotcheat'
* were on killing streak(s)
* were asked if you were hacking/cheating
What do you expect when you join with such a user name and not respond?! So, you were 'lagged', then you took offensive action, then muted, and well... that does not exactly sound like his fault.
I personally know you don't cheat, but that's not really the point.
From what Caesar told me, you:
* joined under the name 'haxbotcheat'
* were on killing streak(s)
* were asked if you were hacking/cheating
What do you expect when you join with such a user name and not respond?! So, you were 'lagged', then you took offensive action, then muted, and well... that does not exactly sound like his fault.
I personally know you don't cheat, but that's not really the point.
I am no longer active to Halo or MGM, and don't guarantee a response on the forums or through email. I will however linger around the discord room for general chatting. It's been fun!
Re: [ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
Your point is not valid too because the lag command was used on him with no valid reason.
At the point Caeser (or formerly known wind shooter, a halo 2008 champion, as he claims), who has changed his name in attempt to remove his corrupted reputation from past, used lag command just for GOAT not responding to his question. He is obviously abusing sapp. The lag command is not a valid admin tool. It's just some messing around command that could be grouped together with commands like boost, and spawning stuffs.
What makes everything worse for the glorious 2008 halo champ is that he had no evidence of GOAT cheating. He questioned GOAT if he was cheating just because he was dominating the rest of the server. Does it matter if GOAT joins with a name haxbotcheat? Does having such name automatically makes him a cheater? Isn't his attitude more offensive? Suspecting if GOAT is cheating just because he is too good to be handled?
What admin mutes people for saying "pussy" anyway? That's part of the game. Asking "do you cheat?" Is far more offensive than calling someone "pussy".
He is too immature to be given an admin right. Muting/kicking/banning are supposed to be done with warning that goes before the actual action. Using Lag command to get superior person's attention is just ab outrageous behaviour. You should consider changing your rcon password lol.
PS. I've caught him using shield command and other shits before too lol.
At the point Caeser (or formerly known wind shooter, a halo 2008 champion, as he claims), who has changed his name in attempt to remove his corrupted reputation from past, used lag command just for GOAT not responding to his question. He is obviously abusing sapp. The lag command is not a valid admin tool. It's just some messing around command that could be grouped together with commands like boost, and spawning stuffs.
What makes everything worse for the glorious 2008 halo champ is that he had no evidence of GOAT cheating. He questioned GOAT if he was cheating just because he was dominating the rest of the server. Does it matter if GOAT joins with a name haxbotcheat? Does having such name automatically makes him a cheater? Isn't his attitude more offensive? Suspecting if GOAT is cheating just because he is too good to be handled?
What admin mutes people for saying "pussy" anyway? That's part of the game. Asking "do you cheat?" Is far more offensive than calling someone "pussy".
He is too immature to be given an admin right. Muting/kicking/banning are supposed to be done with warning that goes before the actual action. Using Lag command to get superior person's attention is just ab outrageous behaviour. You should consider changing your rcon password lol.
PS. I've caught him using shield command and other shits before too lol.

Re: [ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
No, if you join with a ridiculous name insisting that you may be cheating, there's a valid reason to be questioned - and a valid reason to take some action if no response is given. He didn't have to use lag; he could have kicked, or banned, but not sure you'd think that's better..
[edit:] I will clarify though I'm not an admin of that server though, so I'm not the one to make changes to it.
No. This attitude is toxic. And so is your post.Ponzu wrote:... Isn't his attitude more offensive? Suspecting if GOAT is cheating just because he is too good to be handled?
... What admin mutes people for saying "pussy" anyway? That's part of the game. Asking "do you cheat?" Is far more offensive than calling someone "pussy".
[edit:] I will clarify though I'm not an admin of that server though, so I'm not the one to make changes to it.
I am no longer active to Halo or MGM, and don't guarantee a response on the forums or through email. I will however linger around the discord room for general chatting. It's been fun!
Re: [ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
A list of noun, "hax", "bot", "cheat", does not suggest if anyone cheats. His name was not "IHACKIBOTICHEAT". It is windshooter's and your corrupted interpretation to think automatically that GOAT was trying to suggest he may be cheating.
As I did say in my previous post, warning before actual action is supposed to be taken. The situation here is that windshooter used lag command, without warning nor telling GOAT the command has been executed, for reason god knows. He obviously just wanted to abuse his command to toss around GOAT.
Defending a person whose practically impossible to be defended and the fact that you think a player asking another play if he cheats is not offensive is rather a toxic attitude to me though.. We clearly do not share a value. My post is only toxic to the extent that I am not defending your fellow mgm pet. Tame your pet properly please.
I do know you are not the admin of that server. I am saying this because he is basically one of the corrupted products of MGM along with handofgod and some other arrogant and obnoxious little kids. MGM did contribute to the community too much but those new kids influenced by this forum is really going beyond the border now.
As I did say in my previous post, warning before actual action is supposed to be taken. The situation here is that windshooter used lag command, without warning nor telling GOAT the command has been executed, for reason god knows. He obviously just wanted to abuse his command to toss around GOAT.
Defending a person whose practically impossible to be defended and the fact that you think a player asking another play if he cheats is not offensive is rather a toxic attitude to me though.. We clearly do not share a value. My post is only toxic to the extent that I am not defending your fellow mgm pet. Tame your pet properly please.
I do know you are not the admin of that server. I am saying this because he is basically one of the corrupted products of MGM along with handofgod and some other arrogant and obnoxious little kids. MGM did contribute to the community too much but those new kids influenced by this forum is really going beyond the border now.

Re: [ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
The "hax", "bot", "cheat" non-connection is stretching it. Assuming somebody cheats is annoying. Asking somebody that is using hacks with the name that's already been discussed is at least understandable.
You may be right that a warning should have been issued before action in this scenario, however this is not always the case (e.g, people that believe zero tolerance for offensiveness). In the past, I've used a 'kick' as a warning to not be banned for spamming, as another example. Mutes may be able to be temporary or something too, but I'm not sure.
And he may indeed have went overkill with the commands, which I did give him some grief on.
I found your previous post toxic to the extent of how immature/offensive it was.
You may be right that a warning should have been issued before action in this scenario, however this is not always the case (e.g, people that believe zero tolerance for offensiveness). In the past, I've used a 'kick' as a warning to not be banned for spamming, as another example. Mutes may be able to be temporary or something too, but I'm not sure.
And he may indeed have went overkill with the commands, which I did give him some grief on.
I found your previous post toxic to the extent of how immature/offensive it was.
I am no longer active to Halo or MGM, and don't guarantee a response on the forums or through email. I will however linger around the discord room for general chatting. It's been fun!
Re: [ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
Unless he could prove that I was hacking (admittedly, this is hard to do in MD without sightjackers) or I did something offensive (I was not hacking, and I was not being offensive up until the "lag"), there is no reason for him to kick, ban, or generally abuse admin on me. What my name is should not matter, and my word as to whether I was hacking or not is not proof of anything either, and as such it doesn't matter. I get asked this question over and over again regardless of my name, and saying yes or no hardly ever makes a difference in people's opinions. It's also a reason why I generally don't bother answering the question anymore.
His actions were despicable and had no solid grounding. It was purely based on him disliking me. This is why I got annoyed and retaliated. There was no point in reasoning with him, because like I said, after I called him out on abusing admin, he replied with a taunting response, suggesting that the issue was personal.
I can agree with you that spamming, swearing excessively, offending etc. are valid reasons to take admin action, but personal reasons are not. The "insignificant" reasons I was referring to was a guy who got muted for so much as swearing once.
His actions were despicable and had no solid grounding. It was purely based on him disliking me. This is why I got annoyed and retaliated. There was no point in reasoning with him, because like I said, after I called him out on abusing admin, he replied with a taunting response, suggesting that the issue was personal.
I can agree with you that spamming, swearing excessively, offending etc. are valid reasons to take admin action, but personal reasons are not. The "insignificant" reasons I was referring to was a guy who got muted for so much as swearing once.
Re: [ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
How can this be a personal issue if i don't even know you?
Re: [ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
Then explain your admin abuse. You only had suspicions that I was hacking, and I literally did not speak a word until your lag treatment.
On a somewhat related note, you don't need to know someone to dislike someone.
On a somewhat related note, you don't need to know someone to dislike someone.
Re: [ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
Honestly, i think you're the one who has a problem with me.
Re: [ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
How did you figure?
Yes, I do now.
You still haven't explained your admin abuse.
Yes, I do now.
You still haven't explained your admin abuse.
Re: [ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
I don't feel forced to explain anything to someone who's giving me such a bad attitude. Enjoy your day.
Re: [ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
Then you should be stripped of admin rights for abusing it. Just my opinion. Whether Sparky does or not is his decision. But what this post will at least accomplish is show people you are an incompetent and unfair admin.
Re: [ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
If you think i'm being unfair, that's your problem, not anyone else's. Besides, Sparky does not manage that server.
Re: [ADM]Caesar Admin Abuse
No. I came in with an anonymous name without speaking a word, and you obviously didn't know me. We were on neutral grounds until you decided to abuse admin. This has shown you are not only unfair to me, but you are unfair universally. If you'd like to redeem your status as a fair admin, I'd suggest you explain your actions.
If not Sparky, then replace "Sparky" in my previous post with whoever owns the server.
If not Sparky, then replace "Sparky" in my previous post with whoever owns the server.
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