-Modding, is a short form of “Modifying, or Modification". Modding is creating new maps, or even just editing previous maps that were released by Bungie.
Can i mod halo demo?
-You may mod Halo Demo. However, some maps may be protected by the "Halo Map Protecter" which obviously protects them, preventing them from being modded or ripped.
What tools do i use?
- It is recommended for new modders to get Fonzie's Modding Pack V5. It includes most tools modders may need. Some modding tools are Eschaton (recommended 0.8 ), HMT (Halo Mapping Tools), HHK (halo hacking kit), Demo Hack, Swordedit. These are merely the main applications used for modding, and the more advanced modders will understand, and know, how to make models and such using applications such as Wings 3D. All these can be found at http://www.halodemomods.com/wiki/tools/
How do i get started?
-You may get started by using the easiest modding applications, Eschaton 0.8. Check the tutorials section. One of the best modding tutorials for starters. viewtopic.php?f=40&t=7146 Most people start off with Dependency Swapping*, and when they understand most of it, they start Meta Editing stuff.
A problem came up, where can i get help?
-Remember, the forum is always up for you to seek help, but you should mess around first, try to fix the problem yourself first. Find out as much as you can. That's how most modders learn. If you still couldn't fix it, use the search button. If you still don't find anything, you are welcomed to post a question. Please do not post a question first thing, because, chances are, someone else had already asked the same question. It would be slightly unfair for those who have spent time learning something, only to have a newb come and learn it in about 5 minutes. However, you can divulge your modding secrets if you wish to.
Where can i get other people's mods?
-You may get other people's mods at HDM, Halo Demo Mods.com Here.
What are tags?
-Tags are the things that make up a halo map. It can be anything, a weapon, scenery, vehicle, bipd (character) etc. Most tags can be edited. Tags are the things you edit to change the map. Tags are most used in HHK and HMT, but now that Eschaton 0.8 is out, it gives you the chance to extract, and import tags in a much faster way. *pictures*
What is d-swapping?
-D-Swapping, also known as Dependency Swapping, It is the most basic kind of modding. It swaps one tag for another. You can swap things such as the Mod2 (model), antr (animation), Proj (projectile) and much more. Although simple and easy, if used nicely, it can have great effects. It can be using in HHK, HMT and Eschaton. *pictures*
What is meta-editing?
-Meta Editing is basically editing the Meta of something. You may edit most of the things using Meta Editor in eschaton, such as ammo count, starting ammo, accuracy, and more. This is where modders mess around. Meta is..... .. . *goes blank* (help me out here) *pictures*
How do i export/import?
-Exporting may be done by using Eschaton 0.7 and above. Highlight a tag, and go to Map>Recrusively Extract (take the whole tag and everything that comes with it such as projectiles, etc) or just Extract, to take the tag, without taking the model, projectile etc. Importing can be done, once you Open and Expand a map from Eschaton, then checking the item you want to import. After rebuilding, the map has now the thing you imported in it. It can also be done using HHK or HMT, but those ways are just more complicated. They are not used often nowadays, since eschaton came out. *pictures*
How do i improve my modding skills?
-You may improve your modding skills by talking to other modders more, or just by messing around. Reading tutorials can also help. Always remember to apply your knowledge as fit.
How do i release a mod?
-Release a mod here, or on HDM, where you need an account, and Sparky to approve of you. Releasing a mod here is just by making a topic called [MOD]<Mod name here> and posting pictures, and the download link.
What qualifies as a 'good' mod?
-A good mod is original, and is not as simple as just making a few edits or imports that everyone else can also make. Also, a good mod does not maximize the use of unfair weapons. A good mod has good, and balanced gameplay, neither side has the advantage. A tip to new modders: God weapons that kill in 1 second is not cool. You want other people to have fun too. Remember: fair gameplay, original ideas, real work.
What is considered a 'bad' mod?
-A bad mod is a mod where other people cannot have fun, or it is unfair. A bad mod is also when people steals other people's creations, without crediting, or asking permission. Another example of a bad mod is when it is just a cheap edit, a mod that everyone can make. Bad mod: Unfair, stolen work, can be done in 5 minutes.
What is a bitmap?
-A bitmap is the skin of something, namely, the objects in bloodgulch. *pictures*
How can i edit bitmaps?
-Bitmaps can be edited by first exporting it onto your computer, then using a image-editer, like seashore or gimp, to edit it. After that, import it and internalize. *pictures*
What is a model?
-Self explanatory, a model is how an object looks. *pictures*
How can i edit models?
*need someone more experienced here*
Can i get AIs on my map?
Yes, a detailed tutorial is here. http://www.halodemomods.com/wiki/Spawni ... h_Vehicles
*may write new tut* *pictures*
Can i get more ammo?
Yes, by meta editing. Select the weapon tag, go to magazines, and edit the amount as you wish. *pictures*
Can i get more health?
Yes, go to the coll section and select the cyborg tag. Choose HMT plugins, and change the 'health' to highest possible. *pictures*
Can i play as an elite?
Yes, first recursively export and import an elite bipd, then go to globals and change the bipd tag there from /cyborg to /elite
Can i make homing rockets?
Yes, go to the proj section and select the rocket. Select HMT plugins and change the 'homing' value to what ever you want. 5 being the maximum. *pictures*
Can i make the AR shoot rockets?
Yes, go to the weap section and select the AR. After that, go to d-swapper and switch the proj tag from /bullet to /rocket. *pictures*
Can i get a tank in bloodgulch?
Yes, there are many ways to do it. The easiest is to go to globals tag and swap a hog for the tank using d-swapper and repeat with the scenario tag. *pictures*
Another way is to go to scenario, and swap a scenery tag with the tank. such as swapping rocks for tanks. This, however, will result in the blue hog glitch.
Another way is to do it using gametypes. (see the gametypes question)
Can other people see my changes?
Yes, if it is CSS, no other wise.
What is CSS?
Cascading Server Side. A hosted mod/map that joining players do not need to download beforehand. This term is used to describe maps that will effectively work for all players, even though only the host is using it. This implies that the content is already inside the default map and that the server sends any changed data to all the joining players' computers. When players can join a hosted game but the content is not displayed properly on their end, the map is not considered CSS.
How can i make my map CSS?
For one, you can get sparky's CSS template
*need an expert here*
What is the 'blue hog glitch'?
-The blue hog glitch will occur if a modder swaps scenery to vehicles using Eschaton. After restarting the game, or after all the vehicles respawn, they will spawn on the Blue Base Chaingun Warthog. This glitch has not been fixed yet. It happens because additional vehicles have to respawn too, but they do not have a place to do so, so they went to the first spawn point available: #00: the blue hog.
What is a plugin?
A plugin, is an additional set of codes that you can add to your modding applications, mainly eschaton. Plugins can allow you to edit more things, thing you couldn't have done without plugins. Basic plugins that you need to mod is included in the eschaton download file.
How do i apply a mod?
After downloading or making a mod, it is required to apply it first before you can play it. To apply a mod, simply navigate to your halo demo folder, then open the folder 'maps'. B30 is the campaign map, bloodgulch is the... well, bloodgulch. Sounds and bitmaps are self explanatory. UI is the menu screen. Depending on what you mod is, change the different maps.
If it's a multiplayer mod, delete bloodgulch.map, and rename your mod bloodgulch. Then put it inside the map. And if it's a campaign mod, simply do it with b30.map. But It is important that you save a copy of your original bloodgulch. But you can always get it off HDM if you ever lose it.
It should work.
A more detailed tutorial is here: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=1614
How do i edit and apply a gametype?
To play a gametype from halo full version, simply navigate to your documents folder, halo demo > saved > playlists > default playlist
Those are the all gametypes. To play another gametype, such as king of the hill, or race, just switch the blam file found in the folders.
Code: Select all
00 - Classic Slayer
01 - Classic Slayer
02 - Classic Elimination
03 - Classic Phantoms
04 - Classic Endurance
05 - Classic Rocket
06 - Classic Snipers
07 - Classic Oddball
08 - Classic Reverse Tag
09 - Classic Accumulate
10 - Classic Juggernaut
11 - Classic Stalker
12 - Classic King
13 - Classic King Pro
14 - Classic Crazy King
15 - Classic Race
16 - Classic Rally
17 - Classic CTF
18 - Classic Invasion
19 - Classic Iron CTF
20 - Classic CTF Pro
21 - Classic Team Race
22 - Classic Team Rally
23 - Classic Team Ball
24 - Classic Team King
25 - Classic Team Slayer
26 - Slayer
27 - Oddball
28 - Juggernaut
29 - King
30 - Crazy King
31 - Race
32 - CTF
33 - Assault
34 - Team Slayer
35 - Team Oddball
36 - Team King
37 - Team Race
Thank you,
Code: Select all
Additional questions
What does each individual tag do?
How can i get a halo 3 weapon in halo demo?