by nil » Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:02 am
Open iServer without Halo Demo being open, a bunch of slots are filled in with random junk, not too reassuring.
The application is named iTeleport not iServer. If you think one simple file re-name is good enough - nope.
Score/Kills/Assists/Deaths/Betrays field update their text fields every some interval, even when the field is currently being edited by the user, and you don't want that.
Frags doesn't update initially. I start up both programs, I have 4 frag nades, but iServer says 0. Perhaps it's an issue with Plasmas as well.
Red / Blue scores just don't work for me if I try to change them. New game doesn't do anything - maybe you're assuming some offset only specific on your machine.
Name / Password / Players didn't work for me, unsurprisingly. The addresses to those aren't universal (the offsets relative to each other are though). HServerChanger has a synchronization process to achieve this.
This thread is posted in the wrong forum.
Kind of weird:
Change team doesn't kill the player, maybe that's intentional though.
So what works right for me:
Killing player, immortal (meh), telefrag (quite cool), changing color.
Health & Shield (meh), Speed, weapons used, removing stuff.
I am no longer active to Halo or MGM, and don't guarantee a response on the forums or through email. I will however linger around the discord room for general chatting. It's been fun!