Fonzie wrote:Also, if you could build a feature that allows you to fly around the map while the other players continue playing, that'd be perfect.
It already does that:) It's just basically swordedit (normal) with players, vehicles and flags.
nil wrote:It'd be easier if you uploaded the source code (and presumably the Xcode project) as you should, whenever you release a new build to the public, anyway. I can only see what's occurring in the one method you posted.
The source code is pretty big, and Im stuck on 2 kb/s for a while (I went over my bandwidth limit)
nil wrote:This logic is completely wrong? The PID isn't always the same, and it would rarely be a random number like 1675. Perhaps you're grabbing the PID elsewhere in your program, but I can't tell from what you've posted. In any case, that code should be omitted.
Fixed. The PID was also being taken from another function elsewhere.
I have done a large fix, and here's the latest version: