Sidewinder with AIs and Taxi's shitty weaponry!

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Sidewinder with AIs and Taxi's shitty weaponry!

Post by TaxiService » Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:17 am

Here's the mod! (EDIT: Uh, it's for Halo Mini Demo. ·_· Not for Halo Demo.)

What it is:
- You play in sidewinder. I've added a little more rocks and trees to provide a bit of cover.
- The AIs from my AI pack v2 have been imported! They are eager to humiliate you and as retarded as ever!
- Some weapons from other mods of mine have been imported. The list includes:
  • - The autoshotgun
    - The blowtorch
    - The quantum attractor/repeller gun (orange gravity gun)
    - The heavy duty non-stop combined gravity manipulator (blue gravity gun)
    - Taxi's best friend!
    - NEW! HOLY CRAP! ​ The Carrot launcher!
    - The biped spawner is there too.
    - (also some elites use a sort of modified gravity rifle thing, but that doesn't countttt)

Screenshots are hosted here:
  • Image

- Rocket warthogs are used to spawn the AIs. Just drive one and shoot to make a spirit dropship appear.
- Spirit dropships actually look like warthogs. They have their physics too! So you can flip them easily.
- You can start with either two or three weapons! Set your gametype's starting equipment setting to CUSTOM for 3 weaps, and GENERIC for 2. (might work only in slayer gametypes)
- You should be able to drive and shoot from any seats in the rocket warthog, and all seats but passenger's in the other.
- You can use this map for multiplayer games too! I advise to disable rocket warthog spawning if you do.


Download! it!:
from MediaFire
from HaloDemoMods
  • TaxiService! Shitposting since 2007!

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Re: Sidewinder with AIs and Taxi's shitty weaponry!

Post by rEsTnPeAcEz » Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:34 am

Sweet, this mod looks SWEET!
I like the picture with the orange AI, it looks like a wolf or zombie lol

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Re: Sidewinder with AIs and Taxi's shitty weaponry!

Post by nil » Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:30 pm

Hey taxi, make it a properly formatted MD mod, and I'll add it to the database. (Also gimme a short description and I'll just assume version is 1.0 )

I am no longer active to Halo or MGM, and don't guarantee a response on the forums or through email. I will however linger around the discord room for general chatting. It's been fun!

Night Stalker
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Re: Sidewinder with AIs and Taxi's shitty weaponry!

Post by TaxiService » Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:13 am

Cool! Thanks! Will do as soon as possible. ◠‿◠
  • TaxiService! Shitposting since 2007!

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