Tokage has finally showed he's only HALF lazy ass!

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Tokage has finally showed he's only HALF lazy ass!

Post by tokage » Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:30 pm

That's right! I have actually produced a mod! Alright, now I need some testers. You won't be looking for bugs though. I just want you to test it's CSSness because I cannot host :(. All bugs in this (most of them involving the sniper rifle) are found and manipulated to make this REALLY funny. All projectiles are CSS and I want you to test the mod2 of most of the scenery, and the weapon trigger changes. Hope you enjoy messing with joiners!

btw, the first person who can tell me how to do infinite grenades gets to know how to use the shotguns SECRET secondary fire! Trust me, it's EPIC. How does charged tracking plasma bolts sound? Trust me, you won't figure this out yourself. I'll send it to you via pm.

Here is the link! ... einfo.html

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Re: Tokage has finally showed he's only HALF lazy ass!

Post by Smythe » Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:41 pm

you can use 2 methods

1 get taxis game type builder (should be in his modding pack)

2 go to matg with entity plugins choose grenades there is 2 options

2b choose grenades 1 (frag grenade) and change the maximum count to 9999 and mp spawn default to 9999

now hows about that secret?

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Re: Tokage has finally showed he's only HALF lazy ass!

Post by Fuel » Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:44 pm

Tokage wrote: btw, the first person who can tell me how to do infinite grenades gets to know how to use the shotguns SECRET secondary fire!

right click . press V
or charge it >_>

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Re: Tokage has finally showed he's only HALF lazy ass!

Post by KeysOnFire » Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:39 am

Tokage wrote: Trust me, you won't figure this out yourself.
plasma pistol mod2, coll, fp etc.-->shotgun
bolt proj--> shotgun pellets
charged bolt--> whatever you did with that, I haven't had a chance to test it
Then [x] Secondary fire override.
Grenades should still work since right-trigger uses the charging algorithm.
Infinite grenades can be done in hex, I forgot how but if you google it you can probably find it.

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Re: Tokage has finally showed he's only HALF lazy ass!

Post by tokage » Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:56 am

Alright guys, I wanted to know this because... Well... Just pick up some grenades, grab a sniper rifle (or suicide rifle) and get in a banshee. Then use the banshee's secondary fire. You'll love it.

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I fucked up...

Post by tokage » Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:20 am

Ummm... I kinda made it so that you are a ten foot high sometimes 1st person modelless sometimes not camera. I think the crouch height is a little bit lower and if you jump you fly up, hit the top of the map, and slowly fall back down. I'm scared. Luckily this was only a copy and... ya. I have all today to work on this so expect the full v1 later on.

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